The School District will provide transportation for all students in the district (grades Pre-K through 12) residing more than 2.5 miles from their attendance center. Students residing in Marquette needing transportation to and from Lindsborg will be picked up and dropped off on 5th Street on the North side of the Marquette City Park. Students needing transportation to Lindsborg from the Marquette Learning Center will be picked up and dropped off at the MLC front door on 4th Street. Students being transported to and from the Pre-K at the MES school building will be dropped off and picked up at the west doors on Swedonia Street. Note: A transportation request form must be completed by all new students requesting transportation, including Pre-K and Kindergarten students if a form was not previously completed at Kindergarten Roundup and Pre-K registration. TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FORMS ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FROM BUILDING ATTENDANCE CENTERS.
Phone: 785-227-2407
Hours: 6:00am-5:00pm